The Benefits of a Non-Owner Auto Insurance Policy

One of the major determinants of insurance rates is whether a person maintains continuous coverage without lapsing their policy. When coverage lapses, you may be required to pay significantly more than if you had continuous coverage. At Kerndt Brothers Insurance Agency in Lansing, IA, we believe it’s crucial for customers to comprehend the perks of keeping continuous auto insurance coverage, even if they don’t personally own a vehicle.

Unfortunately, many let their auto policies lapse when they find themselves without a vehicle. The big misconception is that a person doesn’t require auto insurance if they don’t have a car. However, in the state of Iowa, drivers have the option of acquiring a non-owner insurance policy.

What is a Non-Owner Policy?

A non-owner insurance policy caters to drivers who do not personally own or have access to a vehicle at their residence. It’s a flexible solution that allows you to buy liability coverage to protect yourself financially if you cause an accident while driving a vehicle you’ve received permission to use. This flexibility can give you a sense of liberation, knowing you’re covered regardless of your vehicle.

Drivers with non-owner policies often drive borrowed cars. Additionally, non-owner auto insurance policy drivers benefit from coverage when utilizing a car-sharing service. Lastly, if you rent cars frequently, you would greatly benefit from a non-owner policy. Typically, having non-owner insurance is significantly less expensive than purchasing liability insurance from a rental car company.

A non-owner policy is usually less expensive than traditional liability coverage when insuring a vehicle, making it incredibly affordable to obtain a policy even when you don’t own a vehicle. This affordability can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you’re not breaking the bank to stay protected on the road.

Get in Touch With Us Today!

At Kerndt Brothers Insurance Agency in Lansing, IA, we understand that saving money is your top priority when obtaining auto insurance, and we’re here to help. Call us today at (563) 538-4207.